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By W. Edward Wendover
The story of W. Edward Wendover
W. Edward Wendover is a long-time windmill-tilter, wandering North America. A past president of the Michigan Press Association, and an "Outstanding Alumnus" of Michigan State University, the former Plymouth-Canton, MI newspaper publisher led a first amendment challenge to the U.S. Supreme Court, losing on rare (and highly suspicious) 4-4 tie. He taught journalism and ethics at universities in Michigan, Colorado, and Missouri, and is currently driving O.A.H.H. about the continent.
Books from the author
Lansing Kool - Aid
(includes 30 "killer" recipes)
BONUS: 2 Complete Mysteries
The Penniman Deli
(includes 35 "killer" recipes)
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MURDER AT The Penniman Deli $16.49 U.S./$23.00 CAN
MURDER BY Lansing Kool-Aid, and
MURDER ON Fogo Island (2 complete mysteries in 1 book) $19.00 U.S./$26.50 CAN
MURDER OVER to Mary’s Fish Camp $14.99 U.S./$20.90 CAN
MURDER UNDER The Bus $14.99 U.S./$20.90 CAN
The Prepositional MURDERS TRIO
(MURDER OF Crows, MURDER IN Any "C" City in Ohio, MURDER AFTER All!) $19.99 U.S./$26.50 CAN
NOTE: delayed by fire: MURDER BEFORE Supper at Rustic Tavern
*All mysteries contain recipes/food notes
Publisher's Limited-time Special Offer: 5 complete mysteries by W. Edward Wendover
MURDER AT The Penniman Deli
MURDER BY Lansing Kool-Aid
MURDER ON Fogo Island
MURDER OVER to Mary's Fish Camp
$65.47 cover price, NOW: ONLY $40.00
Sayeth The Critics:
"A 1990 Grateful Dead & Joe Cocker Rock Fest with corporate intrigue and murder? Only Wendover's twisted typewriter could take us on such a trip! L.O.L. with this, Book V of his Prepositional murders." -- with 26 "On the Road Recipes and Food Notes" plus sheet music for the title song and "All Their Wives"
-- The Havana (FL) Herald
(This murder mystery was commissioned by the Florida Airstream Club and was performed at the Club's Winter Rally in December, 2021.)
"There are even a few optimists who (will) buy it at the full retail price... because it looks so fresh and new and there is (a painting of) a corpse on the cover."
-- Raymond Chandler (see 'MURDER AFTER All!' reference. Chandler didn't write that about this book; Lincoln never said, "don't trust the Internet.")
MURDER OVER to Mary's Fish Camp
"A unique C.O.D. (Cause of Death) stars yet again... This guy's devious imagination makes police labs forever nervous... another heaping helping of political satire, mayhem and recipes. If Wendover invites you to dinner or to go fishing off the grid - don't go." -- its 24 "Old Florida" recipes include: marinated, roasted alligator, she-crab soup and the original heart-of-palm salad
-- The Cedar Key (FL) Key
MURDER ON Fogo Island
"Come From Aways" at the Inn and residents of this idyllic volcanic rock off Newfoundland find that crime lurks in even the farthest four corners of the Flat Earth. And try the Cod Tongues recipe!
-- with 20 recipes for (among others): five red herrings, baked cod tongues, moose pot pie and partridgeberry muffins.
MURDER BY Lansing Kool-Aid
"...may be a bit unusual, but pure mystery readers will appreciate (Wendover's) in-depth knowledge of mystery authors and the genre as a whole."
-- Bill Castanier, Lansing (MI) City Pulse
"Did you ever threaten to kill the knuckleheads in your Legislature? If so, you'll love MURDER BY Lansing Kool-Aid. Written by a former State House Chief of Staff, this L.O.L. historical fiction uses real names and 30 (clue-full) recipes containing ingredients all-too-commonly found in every Capitol."
-- Mackinac Island (MI) Town Crier
"Wendover's second Prepositional Murder mystery satirically follows the flow of 'Kool-Aid' through murdered Representatives. It introduces the most-unique C.O.D. found in the last 138,326 published English-language murder mysteries. Coroners, homicide investigations and cheating spouses BEWARE!...the Cause Of Death (C.O.D.) recipe is included."
-- Michigan Most Wanted )law enforcement magazine)
MURDER AT The Penniman Deli
"This story is chilling to everyone who lives in any American small town. And every town's kitchen-police-and/or-news fanatics will really love this 'factional'-sounding fiction." -- with 35 "killer" recipes including favorites from the famous Plymouth, MI Chefs' Club
-- Associated Newspapers
MURDER BEFORE Supper at Rustic Tavern (Delayed by fire - Coming soon)
"Lunacy + Larceny + Love spoil an historic Supper Club six-course dinner." Timeless recipes!
-- The Salem (MI) News-Review
"Morel mushroom hunters, deer stalkers, hikers-campers will be watching over their shoulders when they're out in the woods after reading this Northern-Michigan-recipe-laden mystery."
-- The Cadillac (MI) News-Review
"How does murder happen? This is the updated twist on Chandler's Simple Art of Murder, unveiling 'The W,W,W,W,W&H School of Mystery." Nine favorite recipes are featured.
-- The Plymouth (MI) Mail
MURDER IN Any "C" City in Ohio
"Both a fitting finale and locale for a right-fringe political wacko." One Ohio recipe is included.
-- The Delphos (OH) Herald
An Ohio "survivor" previews MURDER IN Any "C" City in Ohio:
"In, sadly, the last trip of his Prepostional Murders, Ed Wendover has achieved an ultimate among whodunits that will leave readers feeling as if they had tumbled over Reichenbach Fall...or at least Big Spring Hallow Waterfall down in (Ohio's) Hocking Hills.
"MURDER IN Any "C" City in Ohio begins with confusion over a body floating in a stretch of a bandonned canal. (The confusion arises because the obsolete canal separates the jurisdictions of three counties and the City of Delphos, Ohio.) This mystery deepens when the body cannot be identified except for a wad of undeliverable mail. Abruptly the plot shits to Colonoscopy, Ohio, and a new cast of conspiriacists or just chuckle-headed characters in dire need of mass colonoscopy prep. The rear of a forlorn, vacant K-Mart becomes the next crime scene, with plenty of evidence...but unseen corpses.
"Who is responsible? Why are there canals in Ohio, but no cannoli? Can any eatery ever outdo Toledo's Tony Packo's? And will a horde of historians confirm during the 7th inning stretch of a Mud Hens home game precisely who won the Great Ohio-Michigan War of 1836? These 'Mysteries of Ohio' never unfold upon Wendover's pages, but the book is still riotous fun.
-- Kenneth Arbogast
Ken, describes himself as an Ohio "survivor", and boasts that he is: "The author of such unheralded classics as: Whinesburg, Ohio, an autopsy of the state's tragic politics; Sorrow Ledge, a novel of post-bellum Maine; and, his Coast Guard mystery series featuring Special Agent Marty Galloway - all now on remainder at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and booksellers nowhere."